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Secretary of the Party Committee and President Yang Xinbin’s “First Lecture on Ideological and Political Education” to Faculty and Students in the New Semester

Date: Oct 19, 2020

The “first lecture on Ideological and Political Education” given at Classroom 207, Xuesi Building, Liuxiandong Campus.

On the afternoon of October 16, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shenzhen Polytechnic Yang Xinbin gave the first lecture on ideological and political education under the theme of "Glory and Dream of A City" to nearly 100 freshmen enrolled by the College of Business and Foreign Languages in 2020 in this new semester in Classroom 207, Xuesi Building, Liuxiandong Campus.

In the class, Yang Xinbin first introduced the development history and achievement of Shenzhen Polytechnic and encouraged all students to study hard in Shenzhen Polytechnic to lay a solid foundation for the future career.Afterward, a short video was played to review the glorious history of Shenzhen and its remarkable achievements in economy, innovation, the legal system, civilization, and ecology over the past 40 years after the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Besides, he made a striking contrast between capitalism and Chinese socialism to decode the core password of "Shenzhen miracle", that is, upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China, taking a firm step on the socialist road, being a pioneer, and being open and inclusive. Next, based on the deployment and requirements of the Central Committee, he introduced the development and opportunities of Shenzhen in the new era.At last, based on the missions and responsibilities of Shenzhen Polytechnic, he hoped that all students will constantly improve their morals and ethics, professionalism, sustained development ability, and innovation and entrepreneurship ability, study harder and shoulder the heavy responsibility of the era. He gave a well-documented and humorous lecture and cited many stories about Shenzhen's development. The lecture ended with warm applause.

Relevant responsible persons of the Student Affairs Office and representative instructors of all colleges attended the activity.

(Text by Huang Mudan from the College of Marxism, Photo by Zhang Lei from the Publicity Department)


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