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School of Construction Engineering Won the Honorary Award in Architectural Design - Institutional Architecture of AMP

Date: Dec 8, 2023

On December 8, the organizing committee of The Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) announced the 2023 award list. Nanyue Xianxian Hall won the honorary award in the category of Architectural Design - Institutional Architecture.

Designed and built by Xie Shaoliang as the key person in charge, a teacher of architectural design in our school, Nanyue Xianxian Hall is used to display the deeds of 56 celebrities, such as Zhao Tuo, Huineng and Sun Yat-sen, who made important contributions to the country and the nation in various fields of Lingnan politics, economy, ideology, culture and military, identified as one of the urban coordinates with strong Lingnan traditional architecture characteristics in Guangzhou.

Xie Shaoliang said that Nanyue Xianxian Hall is located in a unique historical architectural environment, close to “Wuxian Guan & Lingnan No. 1 Building”, a major historical and cultural site protected at the national level. In the design, based on the concept of “clear dating and harmonious temperament”, the project team integrated the new building into the surrounding historical environment from the aspects of architectural layout, form, space and details, while paying attention to the regional characteristics and styles of Southern Guangdong in ancient times. For example, the design of the sunken courtyard in the center of the building reproduces the important historical landform “Poshan” described in the ancient map of Guangzhou, and restores the artistic conception of the historical scene of the “Poshan Ancient Ferry”. Due to the very special location of the project, and considering the significance of Nanyue Xianxian Hall as a cultural carrier bearing the historical and cultural implications of Southern Guangdong, the project team constantly polished the design scheme and kept improving. From the project design to the completion of construction, it took more than ten years. Speaking of this honor, Xie Shaoliang felt very pleased. Winning the AMP award represented a recognition of the work results of all designers of Nanyue Xianxian Hall, and also enhanced his confidence in making continuous efforts to the teaching and practice of architectural design. He said that he will continue to serve as a teacher, participate in more architectural design projects and win more honors for the university in the future. (Li Yanjuan, School of Construction Engineering)


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