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Deep Integration of Enterprises, Industries and Universities and Research Institutes to Boost Guangdong’s Industrial Development in High Quality

SZPU makes comprehensive layout to steadily promote the action of 100 universities and 100 counties to drive the “100-1,000-10,000 Project”

Date: Dec 14, 2023

To steadily promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Guangdong and better solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development between urban and rural areas, in June this year, the Third Plenary Session of the 13th Guangdong Provincial Party Committee proposed to deeply implement the “100-Counties, 1,000-Towns and 10,000-Villages High-Quality Development Project” (the “100-1,000-10,000 Project”), and take it as the No. 1 project to promote the high-quality development in Guangdong.

In August this year, in order to strengthen the talent, intelligence and scientific and technological support for the development of counties, towns and villages, Guangdong implemented the action of 100 universities and 100 counties to drive the “100-1,000-10,000 Project” (the “100-100 Action”), making organized, systematic and project-oriented efforts to facilitate the pairing of 100 colleges and universities with 100 agriculture-related counties (cities and districts), with coverage of the whole province.

As one of the first colleges and universities in Guangdong Province to sign for pairing construction, our university teamed up with Huizhou University to build pairs with Heping County and Huidong County to jointly implement the “100-100 Action”, working together to achieve win-win results, and facilitate the teachers and students of colleges and universities to display their talents in a wider space, write their papers on the earth, and better transform the teaching and scientific research achievements into a strong driving force for the high-quality development of counties, towns and villages.

Identify the needs and solve the development difficulties in a coordinated way

In early October, our university organized a “100-100-Action” project promotion meeting. All departments andschools gave full play to their respective advantages, and according to the list of needs put forward by the pairing counties, cooperated to solve the problems and difficulties in their development, and scientifically set the tasks of pairing construction and the list of “tailored” projects. The pairing construction tasks were mainly concentrated in seven aspects: strengthening scientific and technological support for industrial development; strengthening urban and rural planning and construction services; highlighting basic public service support; highlighting grassroots talent training; participating in collective economic operation; participating in grassroots reform and innovation exploration; and providing decision-making consulting services. In the end, we determined the first 15 construction projects, including 10 in Heping County and 5 in Huidong County.

The working meeting for pairing of SZPU, Huizhou University and Heping County was held in Heping County

On November 3, our university launched the first pairing construction project with Heping County - “Training of Highly Skilled Teachers”. The project will be organized by the Teaching and Staff Party Branch of the Office of Academic Affairs, aiming to comprehensively improve the teaching level of teachers in Heping County. This is the first vanguard team to carry out teaching and research ability assistance at grassroots level since the implementation of the “100-100 Action”. In order to support Heping County to comprehensively improve the training level of vocational education teachers, we will also carry out the “Vocational Education Teacher Assistant” project, in the form of online and offline mixed teaching workshops or expert lectures, and provide assistance for Heping County in respect of the training concept of technical talents, the curriculum and textbook construction, the teaching method reform, the practical teaching innovation, etc.

Scientific planning to promote the implementation of the “100-100 Action” task

SZPU leaders led a team to our rural revitalization station to find advanced typical experience for the “100-100 Action”

On November 10, SZPU Party Secretary Yang Xinbin led a team to Heping County to hold a joint meeting and carry out special research on pairing construction. The two sides exchanged views on matters related to accelerating the implementation of the first construction projects and the settlement arrangement of county cadres. Yang Xinbin pointed out that as one of the first colleges and universities in the province to signfor pairing construction, SZPU is fully aware of the great responsibility and glorious mission, and will spare no effort to implement the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government for the “100-1,000-10,000 Project”, accelerate the fulfillment of the work requirements of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, and keep in mind the earnest instructions of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. SZPU will be based on the needs of Heping County and our own capabilities to write a new chapter for assistance in Heping County.

On November 17, Wang Hui, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee & Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection of SZPU, attended the conference on the list of construction projects under the action of 100 universities and 100 counties to drive the “100-1,000-10,000 Project” held in Huizhou, and released the construction projects with Huidong County. In terms of urban and rural planning services, we will develop tourism around the culture of the She ethnic minority group in Bishan Village of Pingshan Street, and guide the construction planning and design and the subsequent publicity design; in terms of strengthening the collective economy, we will support Baipenzhu Town to create a provincial-level beautiful Xu town, plan the village according to local conditions, promote the integration of town tourism with theprimary, secondary and tertiary industries, and achieve “big results” through “small cuts”.

Cooperation between industry and research to boost the high-quality development of dominant industries

On November 27, the project team of “Shangling Town Bamboo Industry High-quality Development Base (Industrial Park)” assigned Jiang Jingyan, an expert in bamboo industry and an associate professor from the School of Art and Design, to Shangling Town, Heping County, for a special training on “Research Report and Suggestions on the High-Quality Development of Bamboo Industry in Shangling Town” in order to strengthen the scientific and technological support for industrial development and inject new development momentum for the local bamboo industry. Jiang Jingyan said that at the current golden period of bamboo forest management and protection, we shouldmake reasonable allocation for thestructure of bamboo materials, with “old, middle and young-aged” combined protection, which is more conducive to the sustainable development of the bamboo industry. Meanwhile, he suggested that Shangling Town give full play to the advantages of ecological resources and location, and based on local culture, food, etc., introduce a number of boutique homestays, create rural tourism boutique theme routes, and drive people who love tourism to Shangling Town for leisure and vacation; and on that basis, perform the maintenance and management of the primary industry, expand the fine processing and product research & development of the secondary industry, and thus realize the integrated development of the three industries.

The project team of “Litchi Product Improvement and Cultivation Technology Cooperation” went to Jiulong Peak Tourism Area of Huidong County for an survey on the development of the litchi industry

On November 28, the project team of “Litchi Product Improvement and Cultivation Technology Cooperation” assigned Professor Qiao Fang, Head of Shenzhen Comprehensive Experimental Station of National Litchi & Longan Industrial Technology System & Director of Agricultural Cultural Creativity and Marketing Research & Development Center of School of Food and Drug, and his team members to make a survey on the development of the litchi industry in Jiulong Peak Tourism Area of Huidong County, and participate in the research symposium on the litchi industry in Jiulong Peak Tourism Area. The expert team put forward a preliminary work plan for the implementation of the university’s “100-100 Action” project in the Jiulong Peak area in the future, and gave five suggestions: first, introduce new varieties of litchi in high quality and high efficiency, and strengthen the training of technical talents for top grafting and transplanting of litchi; second, through the construction of demonstration gardens, improve the yield and efficiency of litchi, and promote the excellence of litchi varieties; third, strengthen the adjustment of litchi variety structure, lead the development of varieties suitable for processing, and promote the joint development of primary and secondary industries; fourth, assist enterprises to develop processed litchi products and promote the development of agricultural cultural tourism projects; fifth, improve the technical level of production areas, and train localized technical talents for the litchi industry.

As the next step, SZPU will promote the “100-100 Action” with “four priorities”: first, focus on promoting industrial upgrading, developing long-term and stable industries to support people in living a better life, and forming linkage and complementary advantages with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area; second, focus on skills training to help people master one specific skill through various forms, and promote employment and income increase; third, focus on improving the appearance of the countryside, with overall planning and targeted promotion; fourth, focus on improving the level of rural governance, and leveraging the internal driving force of rural development through effective governance.

(Jiang Huan, Department of Organization and Personnel; Yin Xiaolong, Counterpart Support Office)


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