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SZPU Participates in the 24th Cross-Strait Academic Seminar on Applied (Technical and Vocational) Higher Education

Date: Mar 8, 2024

Group Photo of Seminar Participants

Lunghwa University of Science and Technology in Taiwan hands over the conference flag to SZPU.

From March 4th to 8th, the 24th Cross-Strait Academic Seminar on Applied (Technical and Vocational) Higher Education was held at Lunghwa University of Science and Technology inChinaTaiwan. Approximately 61 leaders and expert scholars from eight institutions across the Strait attended the conference. Invited by the conference organizers, SZPU's Vice President, Li Yue, led a delegation of five, including Wang Bingfeng, Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office; Qing Zhongquan, Director of the Institute of Technical and Vocational Education; Yang Zhuolin, Director of the Institute for Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao Studies at the School of Marxism; and Yan Xiaohu, Director of the Undergraduate School's Artificial Intelligence Engineering Technology Program, to participate in this event and to present a keynote speech.

The seminar's theme was "Development and Innovation of Applied Higher Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence," aimed at facilitating the exchange of experiences in the development and innovation of applied higher education between the two sides of the Strait in the rapidly advancing age of artificial intelligence. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, visits, inspections, and on-site teaching, the seminar achieved extensive exchanges among experts and scholars.

The title of Li Yue's keynote speech was "Deep Integration of Industry and Education to Promote High-Quality Development of Vocational Education." In her report, she first introduced the "20+8" industrial layout of Shenzhen and the development overview of Shenzhen Polytechnic University. She then focused on our school's practices and achievements in the integration of industry and education. Li Yue believes that the integration of industry and education stems from the inherent mutual needs of enterprises and schools, and the driving mechanism of school-enterprise cooperation comes from the "greatest common divisor of interests," with the core solution being the deepening of integration between industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation. To promote school-enterprise cooperation, our school has actively built "three major platforms," namely, establishing 18 featured industrial colleges in conjunction with first-class enterprises, constructing a municipal industry-education alliance, and forming an industry-education integration community. Lastly, Li Yue summarized the achievements of our school in school-enterprise cooperation in six aspects: aligning majors with industrial development, developing courses with new technologies, jointly building "dual-qualified" teams with enterprises, co-developing core technologies and processes, jointly developing industry standards and certifications, and "going global" with enterprises. Li Yue's report received great attention from the experts and scholars present, who highly praised our school's achievements.

It is known that the Cross-Strait Academic Seminar on Applied (Technical and Vocational) Higher Education was jointly initiated in 1999 by Shenzhen Polytechnic University, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Taipei University of Technology, and Beijing Union University, with Chienkuo Technology University, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, and Chaoyang University of Technology from China Taiwanparticipating in the organization. Held annually by the schools in turn, it has been conducted for twenty-four sessions to date, making it the most participated, longest-lasting, and most influential academic event in vocational education across the Strait.

The seminar aims to strengthen communication and exchange among the applied higher education community across the Strait, explore cooperation pathways and new ideas, and study the transformation and development of applied higher education under global trends, thereby jointly advancing the educational cause on both sides of the Strait. According to the conference arrangements, the 25th Cross-Strait Academic Seminar on Applied (Technical and Vocational) Higher Education will be hosted by our school. (International Exchange and Cooperation Office, Yang Zhuolin/Text, Yan Xiaohu/ Images)


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