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Good News|Our University Achieves Excellent Results in the "Outstanding Achievements in Student Association Development in Guangdong Universities"

Date: Jul 5, 2024

In the 2023 "Outstanding Achievements in Student Association Development in Guangdong Universities" activity, Shenzhen Polytechnic University has been recognized with one student association awarded as "Outstanding Student Association" and two student association activity cases winning second and third prizes in the "Outstanding Student Association Activity Cases" category. Let us celebrate their achievements together.

Outstanding Student Association:

Phantom Formula Racing Association

The Phantom Formula Racing Association was established in 2017 by the School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering at Shenzhen Polytechnic University as a cross-disciplinary student association. Since its inception, the associationhas adhered to its mission of promoting racing culture and technology, andnurturing automotive innovation and entrepreneurial talents. Under the leadership of the school’s and the college’s party committees, and the school youth league committee, the association isdedicated to becoming an academic association focused on automotive innovation, design, and application, and aims to foster a positive automotive culture and academic atmosphere within the school.

The association actively promotes racing culture and technological knowledge by organizing activities where interdisciplinary students engage in race car design, manufacturing, maintenance, marketing, publicity, social media, and cultural promotion. These activities aim todevelop students' innovative, entrepreneurial, and engineering skills in the automotive field. The association hasbuilt acomprehensive and multifacetedactivity system that spans from automotive science popularization to cutting-edge automotive technology, from theoretical knowledge to hands-on experience, from technology application to technological development, from school to enterprise, and from technical practice to the spirit of craftsmanship.

Every year, the association independently designs and manufactures a Formula Student race car to participate in the"Formula Student China", the highest-level event in China's collegiate automotive engineering field. Competing alongside prestigious universities such as Jilin University and Tongji University, the association showcases the talents and capabilities of vocational education students.

In the past five years, the association has participated in the Formula Student China, the National Vocational College Skills Competition, the National University StudentsIntelligent Car Race, the "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the"Challenge Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and others, winning28 awards. Among these,22 were national and provincial-level awards. The association has also been repeatedly recognized as an outstanding or excellent communication team nationwide.

The association has been featured multiple times by mainstream media at thenational, provincial, andmunicipal levels.

Shenzhen Polytechnic Phantom, forging ahead, Shenzhen Polytechnic needs racing!

Excellent Student Association Activity Case

Let the Flower of Cooperation Bloom: Using "Simulated Proposals" to Promote Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Exchange and Cooperation

The initiative, Let the Flower of Cooperation Bloom: Using "Simulated Proposals" to Promote Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Exchange and Cooperation,is a key focus of the Shenzhen Polytechnic Student Simulated Political Association. It aims tofoster Shenzhen-Hong Kong youth exchanges, centering around the new missions and tasks of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, continuouslyguiding youth to engage in the construction of the Bay Area, andpromoting unity and collaboration among the youth in the region.

As a student organization directly under the school’s Youth League Committee, the Shenzhen Polytechnic Student Simulated Political Association isdedicated to enhancing students' political literacy and practical skillsthrough a variety of impactful activities. The association has achieved significant results, with its student leaders invited to participate in the National Youth Confidence in Institutions Training Program organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, where they shared their experiences. The association wasselected as one of the first key contact simulated political associations by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, with its faculty advisor invited to share insights.

The association's activities were reported by "Guangdong Youth League Release". The student team at Shenzhen Polytechnic seized the opportunity presented by the State Council's issuance of the "Development Plan for the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone", focusing onbuilding an innovative vocational education platform in the Greater Bay Area. Guided by CPPCC members Lin Xiaohui and Shi Lei, the team conducted multiple investigations in the Hetao area, visited tech companies, and participated in Shenzhen-Hong Kong youth exchange activities. They proposed a "Suggestion on Creating an Innovative Vocational Education Platform in the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone". This proposal has been adopted as akey reference by CPPCC members in Shenzhen and brought to thenational "Two Sessions" platform.

Walk Through the Greater Bay Area, United Towards the Future!

Integrating Virtue and Technology, Miniature Models Reflect Original Aspirations

"Integrating Virtue and Technology, Miniature Models Reflect Original Aspirations" is an initiative by the Shenzhen Polytechnic Model Association. It focuses on the theme "Inheriting Family Traditions and Virtues,Appreciating Style andCharm ofChaoshan", leveraging the association's strengths and professional expertise to plan and create a miniature scene model of the "Chaoshan Ancestral Hall Procession for the New Year". This work wasseamlessly incorporated into the Exhibition of Achievements in Traditional Chinese Culture on “Family Traditions and Virtues” co-hosted by the Shenzhen Archives and Shenzhen Polytechnic, attracting over 50,000 visitors.

The Model Association's research team conducted field studies at the Cai Clan Ancestral Hall, guided by Dr. Lin Li, an expert in Chaoshan culture. They explored the cultural legacy of Chengyanggang Village, which has produced numerous talents over the past 500 years. The field research deepened the understanding and appreciation of Chaoshan’s local culture among teachers and students,enhancing cultural confidence anduncovering the modern value of Chaoshan’s cultural heritage. This initiative also planted the seeds of hope for the cultural revitalization of the ancient village.

The Chinese nation has always valued the construction of family traditions. Throughout the long process of revolution, construction, and reform, the Communist Party of China has also placed great importance on the construction of family traditions, leaving behind a precious red legacy. The exhibition will continue toexpand beyond the campus,showcasing these meticulously crafted miniature models in public culturalspaces in Shenzhen. This effort aims to bring the essence of traditional family valuescloser to the community and serve the citizens, encouraging widerparticipation in the inheritanceandconstruction of family traditions anddemonstrating Shenzhen's commitment to building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation.

Inheriting Family Traditions and Virtues, Nurturing Craftsmanship

Combiningtheory and practice, andintegrating personal dreams into the broader context of national development,Shenzhen Polytechnic students exemplifyresponsibility and commitment. On the journey of the new era,the association and the school will continue to move forward hand in hand, embracing the world with a more open attitude and stepping into the future with greater determination.


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